C.C. Crawford On The Road

Welcome to the first edition of the C. C. Crawford writes blog. This blog is designed to enlighten, entertain and educate. In my bio you will see I enjoy gardening, politics, horse racing, football and added to the list, the stock market. You see, there is a common theme, gambling. Of course, life is a gamble.

Tonight, I am writing from the historic Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. They are celebrating their 100 anniversary this year .I am traveling with my daughter, Cindy. Today we took a tour of the Kentucky Derby Museum and a tour of the stables and grounds. Tomorrow we will be attending horse racing.

We started our evening meal with a glass of wine and stuffed mushrooms for an appetizer. Tonight for dinner, I had the hot Brown, an open faced turkey sandwich with bacon, a slice of tomato smothered in a delicate mornay sauce. This dish dates back to the 1920’s when chef Fred Schmidt came up with a new dish for guest who had tired of traditional breakfast fare after an evening of dancing. In keeping with my rule I added a Cesar salad, must have something green. We ended the meal with a dish of bread pudding topped with bourbon soaked cherries.

Friday, September 15,2023

We’re at Churchill Downs working on my bucket list. The atmosphere is electric, probably a fraction as to what it is on derby day. I have been watching the triple crown of racing since I was a young child. We listened to the race via the radio in the early years.I would close my eyes and watch the horses as they circled the track, my imagination provided the picture.
Today I am learning to wager. There are 10 races, doing a quick study of the horse and jockeys . Cindy and I are very scientific in picking a horse. We pick the most appealing name, if the horse is from Florida, definitely our pick, then there is the jockey and his record. We ended the day with our pockets a little lighter and our spirits high for the experience.
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